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IIS on Windows XP is limited to 5 concurrent HTTP connections.  Windows by default allows only two concurrent HTTP connections, but it is possible to modify this setting as described at  This will cause broken images and JavaScript errors in Sitecore because IIS will reject HTTP requests.  Either delete the registry keys referenced in the Microsoft article specified above or change the values to a number less than 6.

It appears that there may be a bug in Internet Explorer which causes cached JavaScript, CSS and possibly other resources to be corrupted in memory.  Browser caching should be set to automatic, and when the UI appears out of order or JavaScript errors occur, the cache should be flushed.  To configure caching, close all instances of Internet Explorer and open Internet Options in the Control Panel.  On the General tab press Settings under “Temporary Internet Files”.  Select “Automatically” in the top radio group and move the slider to the far left, then press OK.  To clear the cache, press the Delete Files button and select the “Delete all offline content” checkbox.

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